Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Glorious Pursuit

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Php 3:14)

There is something about pursuing God that He loves in a man and a woman. It is a trusting in the Unseen God and thrusting our life, future and in fact everything into His loving hands, sojourning into the uncharted territory where man’s council and experience could never articulated. God’s ways are beyond all scope of human understanding and history.

Once we have been called, He is faithful to keep calling us. Whenever we forget, face discouraging hurdles, pain, suffering, despair, He keeps reminding us of the call. Don’t give up as much as He doesn’t; He cannot deny His character of faithfulness.

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Heb 12:14)

Our pursuit is ‘in the Kingdom’, not outside. This pursuit of holiness only avails to those who believe and testify that Christ is Savior and Lord. Christians are not to remain idle, but to pursue. Never boast (Prov 27:1) of any form of spiritual attainment (Php 3:12, 13) nor compare ourselves against others who haven’t attained but remain faithful in whatever station of life we are in and continue to press on (Php 3:16).

Our reward is great. We will discover that in our pursuit, there will be much rubbish that requires shedding off to complete the race gloriously, clothed with nothing but His righteousness (Job 29:14, Php 3:9).

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