Friday, August 14, 2015

Resenting Others, Reflection of the Inward Condition

When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me; (Psa 73:16)

Some matters that aren’t meant for us to ponder over or evaluate as the issues are beyond us. But we shouldn’t close our senses to matters that concern God (Prov 21:13). The issue is when we start to judge, leave the judging to the Just Judge. Whether it is hard to accept or not, we have to wrestle with resenting other people’s success (Psa 73:3).

….. for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself….(Rom 2:1)

This type of resentment exposes the inward condition; it is as though the deeper we look the more the reflection of the hidden nature. Often the grief is stirred up by bitterness and being torn up inside. When one is at rest in Christ the focus will be on pleasing the Lord. When there is bitterness and turmoil one will pick on others. Recognize and confess the foolishness and draw near to the only Source of life, to our Savior instead of justifying our self-righteousness (Psa 73:13).

Friday, August 07, 2015

Ministry of Directing

And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. (John 1:37)

The natural man love the attention drawn from people (John 12:43) at the high stake of losing God’s. Many have taken advantage of man’s carnal tendency desiring the tangible to feel, touch, see and hear that reaches the soul but don’t penetrate the spirit. Motivation instead of revelation has become the topic of the day from many pulpits.

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd..... (John 10:12)

As long as there are ‘returns’ in whatever form there will be those who will refrain from directing people to follow Christ. The objective of being salt of the earth and light of the world is to direct the lost to the only true Shepherd. There is only One sacrifice that brought salvation, there isn’t any substitute. There is only one praise to receive, and it’s not from man. Keep on pointing people to follow Jesus, that’s the ministry of Christ’s body on earth.