Thursday, July 21, 2011


Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord…..(Php 3:1)

What is the ‘finally’ in our Christian life we are experiencing? Conclusively is there rejoicing? Not in what we have done, achieved, accumulated or any form of spiritual trophy placed on the pedestal of a Christian’s hallway of fame. The finality of our faith is Christ and Christ alone (Php 3:8) and to be found in Him (Php 3:9). To be established where our enduring existence is not of our own but His only.

I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine…… (Son 6:3)

Exclusivity comes with a price of suffering loss and reckoning all else as dung (Php 3:8). As with a marriage there has to be a leaving and a cleaving unto oneness; our position where He will spread His banner of love over His church (Son 2:4). His joy will sustain us (Neh 8:10). Our pursuit is not then aimless and our destiny laid out; the path has been drawn out. We keep our eyes focus on the goal of our upward call. It is upward glorious resurrection to save us from all forms of depreciating corruption that surround us daily, into an everlasting Kingdom. Rejoicing now and rejoicing in the end.

With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace. Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth. I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever. (Psa 45:15-17)

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