Deterrence to Fulfilling Our Spiritual Destiny
Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine
heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for
the name of the Lord Jesus. (Act 21:13)
Reality cannot be the reason not to continue on in faith.
Faith is beyond seeing the natural, but the ability to behold our spiritual
destiny and whole heartedness to substantiate the things God has laid hold of
us. Don’t let situations, fear, danger and uncertainty deter us. If we are not
willing to lay our lives down and rise to the occasion in fulfilling the
purposes of God in and through us, He will not fail, He will raise another (Est
4:14). Natural reality can never stop God from intervening in human affairs for
His glory, it is whether we are willing to avail ourselves to be vessels of
honor for His divine purposes. Following Jesus would mean heartaches to loved ones and ourselves, don't let these be the enemy in fulfilling our spiritual destiny.