Sunday, April 24, 2011

Intimacy and Profitability

…. and, behold, the girdle was marred, it was profitable for nothing. (Jer 13:7)

Programs and activities are always the easy part. It takes discipline to purposefully lay aside what we think is right to do to allow His priorities to take precedent. To know His will is to die to ours. To know He is God requires our abandonment to busyness and achievement (Psa 46:10). Never mistake busyness for even ‘godly’ matters as the gage for spirituality.

The opposite is equally devastating. Not taking necessary action in obedience leads to slothfulness, faith requires action (Jas 2:14).

Intimacy with the Savior is never sentimental, it will challenge everything that we stood and acted for (John 21:17).  True love is about the other’s concern (Phil 2:3), never complaining about the thing He asks us to do. There will come an occasion when the Master will untie the girdle of intimacy to wipe feet (John 13:5). The deepest intimacy with Jesus leads to profitability which nary a complain regardless how mundane the task. Profitability for the Kingdom of God comes after intimacy and serving out of intimacy is the right divine order.

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