Friday, September 17, 2010

Wrestling Alone

And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled …….(Gen 32:24)

Most of us avoid conflicts, our natural tendency is to mitigate the pressure and not confront them head on. The Lord allows pressures to step into our life to reveal the true condition of our heart (Jer 17:9) that we may never know existed. It shouldn't surprise us that the issue at hand doesn’t move a hair in another but seems to be specifically tailored for us. Hence we have to purpose to be alone to wrestle it out with the Lord. Leave pastor, spouse and friend out of it, for its God’s personal and sacred dealing with us. Facing it alone will quickly wean and mature us.

Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. (Psa 105:19)

In wrestling He wants to lay in iron our soul (Psa 105:18) so that His sovereign Spirit can take over. The sword of His word separates spirit and soul (Heb 4:12), for God is Spirit (John 4:24) and the communion is in His realm not ours. We glory on the outside (1 Sam 16:7), but His end is the strengthening the inner man (Eph 3:16). Willingness of spirit (Matt 26:41) doesn’t suffice in the day of adversity, but strength of spirit will define victory.

If we are willing to wrestle alone with Him, depleted of intervention of human hands the prevailing nature of Christ will be named upon us (Gen 32:28). Jesus has warned us of troubles ‘such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be’ (Matt 24:21), do the wrestling alone with Him now so in that day we can overcome because the marks are deep and permanent (Gen 32:31, Gal 6:17). There is resurrection after death, the cross precede glorification.


Malachiah said...

Amen. Truly Jacob had a new name to gain as the blessing of His wrestling. And with the name comes a new nature. Now we wrestle both angel and man to the gaining of a name no one knows but the individual who wrestled alone! Revelation 2:17

Malachiah said...

We are not alone long though. First the angel comes to wrestle at Bethel as we lay down and dream. Then the man comes to wrestle all night at Penuel. Out of this alone wrestling with Angel and man comes Israel the Prince.
Blessed be Israel on this most holy day of his year.