Thursday, August 23, 2007

Being a Watchman to add value to our nation I - Ps. Susan Tang

The series was taught at the 21st National Prayer Advance organized by Ps. Jean Lim and the Glory Place Prayer House.

The notes were compile by me some additional comments. Ps. Susan allows circulation of the audio CD. If you chose to receive a copy of the messages kindly send me an email.

Timely messages for the End Times.

Balaam was a true prophet, but his heart was not dealt with. He knew the revealed will of God but still prayed about it, when not supposed to. Negotiating with God is already out of the question. This calls for quick obedience lest we fall into the same trap as Balaam did. Lest we begin to doubt God's good and perfect will. Abraham never questioned God about the many things he was asked to do from leaving his homeland without any clear directions to sacrificing his only son (which God provided a ram in the son's stead and knew the Providence of God). In order to be a watchman we must learn to obey expeditiously once the will of God is revealed to us.

The strange thing is that Balaam was used to the miraculous therefore not surprise when the donkey spoke to him. While the donkey saw, he couldn't. Balaam wasn't pure in heart, thus lack seeing God (Matt 5:8). How can we see God's will if we can't behold Him?

Samuel's life long ministry of being a watchman for his nation began with a praying mother crying out of a need that became her greatest sacrifice. We have to read the Bible with a heart to see a great sacrifice of both mother and child. Samuel was left at the temple of the Lord to serve under a back slidden priest and only saw his mother once a year. This pain or 'cross' that Hannah and Samuel had to bear brought about the the greatest praying prophet in Israel.

Hannah's cry in God's presence to ask for a son. Eli rebuked her because he don't know struggling, lamenting, prayers. Don't know about being drunk in prayer. The groanings in deep prayer brings many words to the Father in Heaven. These groaning may have few words but carry great depth to the very courts of Heaven.

This about this, if Hannah didn't give her son back to God, then there couldn't be one of the greatest praying prophet. In these days of many prayers have bred many covetous hearts. The 'give me, give me' generation of Christians have the same insatiable desire as the pits of hell itself. Learn to give back to the Giver, that is why tithing is an important spiritual principle.

The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough:
(Pro 30:15)

God loves to share His heart, but even the high priest couldn't hear. So God shared His heart with a child. God knew the capacity of a child. He knew how he would take the hard message of Eli and his sons who sinned grossly before the Lord. Do we have the capacity to take God's messages and do we know how to handle them in prayer? How do we know Samuel handled the messages well, it showed it his latter life how God continue to trust him with more.

1 Sam 7:4-10 : Samuel taught the people to pour out before God. Samuel, David, Jesus, and Mary knew how to pour out before God. While the majority of us could only trickle before God. When will we learn not to withhold from God?

The pouring life keeps devils away. Not difficult but God will give His grace.

All the miracles that the disciples did, Jesus didn't say that their work was to be remembered. Only Mary's pouring of the oil from the broken alabaster flask did Jesus said that it was a monumental work. Broke and pour as Jesus did on the cross.

Poured out lives are powerful which is in the manifested in the living. This frightened the enemies and caused them to attack. Devils see a threat in a poured out life. In the mounting attack Samuel asked for a suckling lamb, meaning sacrifice, dying to self, laying down our lives, the greatest power against demons. Samuel brought heaven to earth and it was God who fought the Philistines!

Paul was such, not afraid of death. Faithful to the end. He handed death in the spirit, ready to die. Bound in the spirit to Jerusalem despite Agabus prophecy. A poured out life before the Lord is to say that we have died to our rights and we are ready to die for God's cause. (Gal 2:20). There isn't any room for retrieval, it's burning all our bridges. It's about taking up the cross and following Jesus daily.

As Joseph prepared for the bad years ahead, so must the church. God have to put iron in our soul to be overcomers in the end times.

Psa 105:
18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters : he was laid in iron :

That's how Paul was ready to face death. Preparation is in the spirit. Our prayer should be asking God to build into us, not for us to build ministries. As Jesus did (Rev 13:8), determined from the foundation of the world. He was as though slain from the begining of creation but physically fulfilled on the cruel cross at Calvary.

At the end of Samuel's ministry, to be released from his ministry as the people wanted a king. He asked the people to bear witness to his purity. The content of his life shows great conduct. Call forth the overcomer on the inside!

Rev 12:1-5
The woman, the church give birth to overcomer life (man child).

The watchman is one that pours out and ready to sacrifice even our own life, loving not life unto death is one of the key weapons to dovercome the enemy (Rev 12:11).

It is the Christ life within us that will rise up to overcome the enemy. But it requires the cross that Christ might live in us (Gal 2:20).

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