Thursday, May 10, 2007

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1Ti 6:10)

History can repeat it self. Really sad to read about this man. I've seen Jim Bakkers programs as a student and even 'blessed' by this ministry. Today, this similar message that I've heard years ago is still being preached these days. Soloman says that there is nothing new under the sun. Guess what, deception and the deceiver himself never change. Tactics are still the same because man's deceitful heart is still the same.

Pls continue to pray for our pastors and full time workers (and ourselves) that the first and greatest commandment is our priority.... (Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27) If we don't obey the first commandment, we will inevitably love ourselves and not others, thus breaking the second commandment also. Where then is effectual evangelism?

If 'blessings' surround increase of money or wealth or an improved earthly life, guess where we will head and our priority changes. Isn't the Kingdom of God more than gratification of the flesh (meat and drink) or even necessities of life but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). If we are saved from wrath into righteousness, what then should be our priorities.

A dear brother of ours, once very effective in the underground church, is today a professing homosexual. If he understands the first part of inheriting (God given gift) the Kingdom (righteousness), it would have been easier for him to leave his sinful passion (yes, it is, you should hear him speak about it). There is the loss of a healthy fear of God in his life.

It's no wonder the words Jesus spoke to the Loadicean church is still echoed today. Note that the Master's voice has a sorrowful yet loving tone. Do we still hear the Master's voice today..... verbatim?

My dear brothers and sisters, don't be deceived with which that bring many sorrows.

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