…… in which are some things hard to be understood, which
they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other
scriptures, unto their own destruction. (2Pe 3:16)
David Pawson once said that a skeptic would read the Bible
with a pair of scissors, discarding the portions they don’t like. Who was Peter writing to in his letter? Who would constitute the company that would
wrest or strain and twist the Holy Word of God? Perhaps written to ignorant unbelievers?
The letters from the Apostles addressed believers, not the unsaved. There are unbelievers who quote Scripture for
its valuable words of wisdom, but seldom to justify themselves.
But ye have not so learned Christ; (Eph 4:20)
Firstly the ‘unlearned’, not referring to mental knowledge
but those deficient of spiritual understanding that transforms to right being,
right thinking, right behavior, right speaking…. Intrinsically it is a life
that demonstrates the inward working of Christ and the cross in us (Tit 2:11,
12). Lust transformed to love, worldliness to godliness, dead works to righteousness
and the like. This working out of our salvation is not informational, but the Spirit
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (Jas 1:8)
Many of us desire to live on earth and willing to go to be
with Christ, however the normal Christian should live conversely (Phil 1:23,
24). We have to purpose and make a choice whom we will serve (Josh 24:15), not
just physical idols but more so concerning ungodly gratification of the flesh and idolatry of the self
(Col 3:5). The opposite of instability
or wavering is the state of shalom, being at peace with God and man. This state of instability is easily often seen in constantly
overcome by temptation, outburst of wrath, lacking self control and easily
overwhelmed by emotions and the surrounding. The foundation is not Christ (Matt
7:24-27, Col 2:7). Peter warned that to distort the Word of God to self
advantage spell self destruction. Allow the plumb line of His Word to judge us
and be humble and meek to allow Him to work deeply in our lives. Be relentless
with self and not look at the pain of chastisement, less we be disqualified (1
Cor 6: 9, 10).